Along with the development of information technology, computers and telecommunications issues facing rapidly growing too. World of telecommunications which is the core of the development of this technology is also experiencing the same thing. In the world of telecommunications cellular, technological leaps even faster. The development of 3G mobile data technologist to LTE/4G faster than 2G to 3G technology developments, this fact can be concluded that the technology will further eventuated faster. Even in foreign countries has been developed 5th generation technology or often called 5G.
The need for high data services in the community are also forced organizers to widen the range of data services. To increase the range of the organizers will inevitably add to the supporting infrastructure, including the construction of new base stations, repeaters, up to the wi-fi service. The number of additional means of support turned out to cause adverse effects on the quality of the signal itself. The issue is being widely discussed is the problem of frequency interference. Although it is set by regulation clearly still many who escaped the observation of the regulatory body which would harm certain parties.
One problem that is often overlooked but affects the signal quality is a matter of the power source (power supply). Why is that, because the power supply is the fuel of all equipment. If poor quality power supply, will result in disruption of performance of such equipment. Term "Power Quality" is often a topic of conversation these days has a simple purpose, namely the electric power quality. There are so many parameters that could be an indication of good or poor quality of electricity. The most common parameter is the voltage instability problems, both DIP / Swell. Although the voltage fluctuation is most cases are found in the electrical system in Indonesia, but there are still some more parameters which although not as much as the voltage fluctuations but even more dangerous effect.
The rapid development of telecommunication technology must be coupled with the emergence of the supporting equipment-equipment that has the latest technology as well. Electrical character of this equipment sometimes it can cause other electrical problems. Yet on the other hand the other equipment also requires a stable condition without any electrical interference. This condition can be likened to a vicious circle that is not vicious. If a problem is found the user is sometimes confused, this is actually the source from where? To answer that, it is undeniable that we need a measurement tool for early identification. Because of technological equipment which we will measure is the latest technology, the measurement tool must use measuring devices that have the latest technology.
Countermeasure is the final step of the solution, for what we only know the quality and quantity of the source of the problem if it was not followed up. Problems arising from electrical problems vary, of course, "drug" is used also varied according to the "disease" of his.
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