Monday, October 3, 2016

The Need for Spectrum Analyzers and Calibration

Working in the field for service or repair of electrical systems or devices makes it imperative to understand and analyze the electrical signals that are transmitted by the system or device. Analyzing the properties of the signal helps the technician to understand the performance and process protocols that will answer troubled issues. Allowing the signal to pass through a passive receiver that displays the signal helps in the understanding the signal characteristics. This receiver is termed as the spectrum analyzer. The raw signal displays voltage, wave shape, power, and frequency and period information.
Spectrum analyzers can interpret signals such as:

•    voice
•    data
•    sound
•    power

In simple terms any signal depending on the application can be understood and the way it behaves gives the technician background information. A basic spectrum analyzer is the GW INSTEK GSP 810 model that is digitally synthesized, displays RF (radio frequency) measurements up to 1 GHz (gigahertz). Measuring the quality of distortion with respect to:

•    modulation
•    distortion
•    noise

And understanding the spectral characteristic of communications signals is critical where bandwidth is a scarce resource. Measuring distortion is important for communication applications. Along with a spectrum analyzer use of a digital clamp meter gives the technician an all-round capability to check basic electrical parameters of voltage, current and resistance of the power source. Fluke digital clamp meters are the ideal adjunct for such applications.

Tridinamika in Indonesia is a reputed and trusted source for test and measuring equipment. They also provide the service of calibration as a complementing adjunct to their business. Thermometer calibration services along with certification ensure that the equipment is performing within specified parameters.

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Megger Improves Insulation Testing With Feature Rich Testers

Commercial testing of installations mandates the use of insulation resistant tester to identify efficiencies as well as deficiencies in the electrical system. The certification agency observes these practices before certifying that installation is per regulations. When such best practices are followed the risk of short circuits and potential fire hazards is completely negated. More often than not, both the contractor and the certifying agency falling short in these practices lead to accidents and avoidable disasters.Insulation testing by a properly designed tester should exhibit sharp voltage rise and retain that voltage through several higher resistances.

Megger is a renowned name in test and measurement equipment manufacturing with research and manufacturing facilities in United States of America, Britain, Germany and Sweden. Megger equipment's are used in telecommunications, electric power and building wiring industries. Megger has recently announced the introduction of enhanced Megger insulation testers and continuity testers. They are CAT IV compliant and rated to 600 volts operation. The main feature of this tester is the variable voltage from 10 V to 1000 V with incremented steps that allow tight control of test voltages.

The Megger insulation tester is ideally suited for use in motor testing, cable testing and major electrical installations. Other applications include avionics, automotive and building maintenance. User safety is the highest rating accorded for this device due to its use in high voltage environments. For safety, the device features live circuit detection as well as protection. Some of the Megger models are equipped with Bluetooth data transfer capability as well as data storage memory.

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Understanding Digital Oscilloscopes

Detecting the integrity of electronic circuits is the main function of oscilloscopes. For example, a voltage signal may show that circuit is oscillating while a voltmeter reading may show a markedly different voltage.An absent signal trace between connected electronic instruments like an amplifier and or mixer will help determine whether the faulty signal preceding the equipment needs more checking. The oscilloscope can detect faults right down to the component stage.

Tektronix oscilloscope

Primarily an oscilloscope's basic function is to provide a graph of voltage signal over time. PWM (pulse width modulation) duty cycle as well as clock frequency signal’s rise and fall times measurements are possible using this instrument. The Tektronix oscilloscope is perhaps the most favored instrument. The controls are easy to use. To start a Tektronix oscilloscope pressing the function generator and selecting the function will form the first step for any measurements. The inputs derived from the probes gives a real time changes in signals over time. The representation of Y-axis denotes the voltage (as an example) and X-axis represents the time function. Digital oscilloscopes samples wave forms and using analog to digital circuitry converts the voltage into a digital format. Modern oscilloscopes can send digital data to a PC for later viewing.

This testing instrument also measures the frequency and amplitude of an oscillating signal. It also shows the DC (direct current) voltage or AC (alternating current) voltage in a signal. A flat horizontal line in the waveform indicates that there is no voltage change in the signal. Change in the height of the waveform indicates that voltage fluctuation has taken place.

Friday, July 15, 2016

Particle Counters to Be A Way of Life

The importance of particle detectors in present day environment is becoming more due to increased pollution. Cities are reporting higher readings of hazardous hydrocarbons in the atmosphere. Example of Beijing shutting down during Dec 2015 is a first for any city in the world. In Jan 2016, Beijing announced closing down more than 2500 polluting industrial firms for smog that is engulfing China's capital.

Another example of New Delhi the capital city of India has tried out for two week odd and even numbered traffic policy for vehicles. The level of pollution in New Delhi has reached alarming proportions. The policies by the respective governments are based on measurements read by particle counters.Numerous study papers have correlated association between cardio-respiratory issues and air quality in Beijing urban areas. [Ref: Health effects of particle pollution in Beijing, China (ongoing)].

Particle counters are standard and mandatory test instruments on space missions. For example, Cassini (launched in 2004) is presently orbiting Saturn. The spacecraft is maneuvering closer to Saturn's poles to study the gravity and magnetic fields. On board Cassini is a particle detector that will sample icy ring (of Saturn's) particles that is being pulled into the atmosphere of Saturn. All space missions to Mars have particle detectors and there are teams in NASA and other space organizations studying this data. An interested entrepreneur is Elon Musk (founder of SpaceX, Tesla and Gigabit Solar) whose life's mission is to set up a colony on Mars. 

From the brief description in the above paragraphs, we can conclude that it will only get worse. It will not be surprising in the next five years to see particle detectors as fixtures in EV (electric vehicles) that will analyze outside air quality.

Friday, May 27, 2016

Measuring the Flow of Liquids and Economic Growth

In the domain of fluid flow measuring instruments Katronic ultrasonic flow meters command pride of place among others. Established in Britain in 1996 as a distributor of process measuring instruments the company quickly shifted into manufacturing and very soon became a force in clamp-on flow meters. They have not looked back and maintained their supremacy in ultrasonic flow meters that gives their brand instant name recognition and trust among customers.

Ultrasonic flow meter principle

Building on Katronic's core belief that their flow meters should be simple as well as the installation should be straightforward and easy to operate their design has incorporated into each and every Katronic clamp-on flow meter an intuitive menu, instrument setup wizard and the patented Audible Sensor Positioning Assistant, which makes it very easy to use clamp-on ultrasonic flow meters. This link provides a quick glimpse of Katronic's installation. 

Katronic ultrasonic flow meters can measure flow of liquids on large diameter pipes of all standard materials and are used for process liquids from pure water to chemicals and effluents like waste water. The Katronic flow meters work on the transit time ultrasonic principle. Two matching transducers on the external surface of the pipe are mounted.. The transducers generate ultrasonic pulses. These signals travel through the pipe wall and liquid medium from one sensor to the other both with and against the direction of flow.

The principle is that sound waves travelling with the flow will move faster than those travelling against it. The difference in the transit time of these signals is directly proportional to the flow velocity of the liquid and therefore flow values can be calculated.

Tridinamika and Katronic

Tridinamika is the authorized distributor of the world's best brands in ultrasonic flow meters. They represent among others GE, Primayer, Katronic and Fluke brands. Tridinamika was founded in 2002 in Indonesia. Committed to building a service organization based on strong technical foundation and values they have set themselves on the right path by achieving the status of Indonesia's premier test and measurement supplier

Tridinamika is at the forefront of Indonesia's economic surge. As the GDP (gross domestic product) of Indonesia is on an upward trajectory the emphasis of oil and petrochemical industries as well as mining is leading the way. They have a well-trained human resources team that provide the necessary technical skills for a smooth sales and service operation.

Tridinamika's reach in the industries of Water Supply, Wastewater treatment plants, Manufacturing, Aviation, Aerospace, Shipbuilding, Oil & Gas, Power Generation, Office and Residential Building Services, Pharmaceutical, Process Industries, Petrochemical, Semiconductor, Food & Beverages has helped Indonesia's growth story. Katronic flow meters hold the latest version of ISO 9001: 2008 and the company is a respected member of the Institute of Measurement and Control, and the British Standards Institution (BSI)

Monday, May 23, 2016

Understanding Frequency Counters

Frequency counters and timers can be used for measuring many signals like

  • Digital logic signals
  • RF (radio frequencies)
  • Microwaves. 

Counter technology has evolved so that these frequency counters and timers are able to measure time intervals as well as frequency. Time interval is an inverse function of frequency that allows digital processing technology to measure.

How frequency counters work?

The number of events occurring within a specific period of time is counted. The preset (specific) period is called the gate time and after every accumulation is transferred to a display the counter is reset to zero.A clock oscillator is used that allows the resolution of the measurement. This can be improved if the number of cycles is counted over a set period of time rather than counting the cycles for a set time. The internal oscillator is referred to as the time base and this needs calibration. The stability of time base is directly proportional to the accuracy of the frequency counter.

When using a frequency counter, it is necessary to select the time base interval. Generally options of 0.1s, 1s, 10s are the most common. These refer to the length of time over which the frequency counter gate is open and incoming pulses are counted. Thus, for a gate time of 1 second, 1 000 000 pulses will be counted for a 1 MHz (mega hertz) signal or if five pulses are counted, with a gate time of a second, then the frequency is 5Hz (hertz). Hertz is the frequency unit in the International system of units. It is named after Heinrich Rudolf Hertz (1857 - 1894) the German scientist who proved the theory of electromagnetic waves.

The Tektronix FCA3000 and FCA3100 Frequency Counter Series are most commonly used as these instruments combine many features and several functions.

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Elements of Ultrasonic Flow meters

Sound waves are organized mechanical vibrations traveling through a medium, which may be a solid, a liquid, or a gas. These waves will travel through a given medium at a specific speed or velocity, in a predictable direction, and when they encounter a boundary with a different medium they will be reflected or transmitted according to simple rules. This is the principle of physics that underlies ultrasonic flow measurement in fluids or gases. 

All sound waves oscillate at a specific frequency, or number of vibrations or cycles per second, which we experience as pitch in the familiar range of audible sound. Human hearing extends to a maximum frequency of about 20,000 cycles per second (20 KHz), while the majority of ultrasonic applications utilize frequencies between 25,000 and 10,000,000 cycles per second (2 KHz to 10 MHz). At frequencies in the megahertz range, sound energy does not travel efficiently through air or other gasses, but it travels freely through most liquids and common engineering materials. 

The speed of a sound wave varies depending on the medium through which it is traveling, affected by the medium's density and elastic properties. Different types of sound waves will travel at different velocities. 

Ultrasonic Transducers in ultrasonic flow meters

A transducer is a device that converts energy from one form to another. Ultrasonic transducers convert electrical energy into high frequency sound energy and vice versa. A pair of transducers transmits sound waves through a medium and the time taken for the travel with the flow of the liquid and the time taken against the flow determines the velocity and other measurements.

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Air Quality Monitoring - TRIDINAMIKA

The sale of particle counters will witness an upward spike considering the uncontrolled wild forest fire in Fort McMurry, Alberta in Canada. Huge tracts of forests are causing untold havoc as more than 100,000 residents have been evacuated as their homes have been consumed in the advancing fire. There is a danger that oil facilities in Alberta which are in the path of the fire is in danger. It is predicted that the wind will take the smoke and debris in the air as far as Florida.

The only way to monitor the air quality is employing particle counters in determining the state of the air for health as well as environmental hygiene is concerned. Particle sizes from 0.1 to 100 micrometers can be detected.

A particle counter counts the number of particles. The methodologies used are by 

1. Light scattering (for smaller sized particles)
2. Light blocking
3. Direct Imaging

1. Light scattering:  the amount of light that is redirected by a particle when subjected to a light passing through it in a given area. The redirection is called light scattering. This technique is also utilized in monitoring ultra pure water in semiconductor fabrication.

2. Light blocking method is used to find contaminants in hydraulic fluid.

3. Direct imaging technique is used in detecting particles when a cell is illuminated by laser where particles are passing the cell.

 A typical particle counter use is maintaining a clean room; continuous monitoring by an array of sensors and connected to a remote facility monitoring system with programmable logic controllers can immediately signal when the air quality of the given area crosses a predetermined threshold. Hand held particle counters are being increasingly used in monitoring indoor office and school environments that are stressed. They are going to be particularly useful in North America at the present time.

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Laboratory Tool Suppliers in Indonesia

Indonesia is on a huge growth path in South East Asia. They are the emerging tigers with a brisk economy. Riding this boom is the mining and petroleum sector followed by massive investments in the food and beverage industries. Other industries picking up steam as witnessed by FDI (foreign direct investment) is chemicals. Indonesia has managed this feat despite performing poorly in the late 1990s. Prudent fiscal management and proper utilization of the country’s natural resources has propelled Indonesia to the position they are in. They are the 8th largest economy in the world with a GDP (gross domestic product) of about 2.5 trillion dollars.

These industries have critical applications and processes that cannot be stopped. Constant monitoring of equipment and processes is a must to keep the wheels of industry moving on a growth path. Test and measuring equipment is a key industry that is playing a vital role. Tridinamika is a leading alat laboratrium supplier and has attained the leading status due to a number of factors. They follow the mantra of spirit of excellence along with

range of technical services
well trained technical staff
expertise in calibrator devices 
representing world class brands 

Tridinamika distributes products of some of the best manufactured brands in the world. To name a few

Siglent and Tektronix are among a host of other famous brands in the test and measurement domain.

Starting in 2002 Tridinamika is keeping pace with Indonesia's rise as a global player.

Friday, April 22, 2016

Importance of Flow Meters

Ultrasonic flow meters are the most essential tool in the arsenal of utility companies supplying gas and water. The reasons are obvious. Harnessing the properties of Christian Doppler (1803-1853, Austrian physicist and mathematician, inventor of Doppler Effect) as one of the principles in measuring exact flow of resources to consumers and billing them so that there is no loss of revenue is a matter of technical magic. Earlier mechanical meters were employed in measuring flow. Because of moving parts these mechanical devices were subject to wear and tear and over time either showed erroneous measurements leading to calibration of the meters on a regular basis. This led to costly downtime.

Ultrasonic flow meters have zero moving parts. The use of electronics (transducers to be precise) has negated this aspect of maintenance. While housed in protective casings the transducers are lowered in the materials like gas and liquids and measurements taken that are accurate. Doppler principle of time of flight is the standard adopted.

The use of handheld clamp-on flow meters has revolutionized measurement of hot water and cold water usage in building applications. LEEDS (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) certification is now mandatory for green buildings and ultrasonic flow meters are standard equipment.

Tridinamika in Indonesia is a highly rated and trusted supplier of some of the best brands in the world. Apart from a well-organized distribution platform Tridinamika has established a technical team to offer best-in-class support. Since 2002 Tridinamika has been actively engaging the industry in providing world class test and measurement products in Indonesia.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Air Quality Monitoring

Air quality within the confines of an indoor environment is assuming importance both in terms of pollutants as well as a health benefit. A South East Asian country like Indonesia that has a huge archipelago is subject to wild forest fires and due to the sea breeze and air currents many urban areas have a number of pollutants. Particle counters are becoming standard office equipment in these parts of the world to determine particulate matter in the air. These devices called as particle counters can determine particle sizes ranging from 0.1 to 100 micrometers.

Working of a particle counter

The principle of light scattering is used. A test area is chosen and a beam of light is exposed to this area. The amount of light that is reflected or redirected by a particle determines the number of particles. The redirection or scattering of light is also used in monitoring the purity of water that is used in fabrication of semiconductors. Micro sized impurities are semiconductor's nemesis. Another method to count particles is by using light blocking principle. The alternative method to light blocking is using direct imaging. Particles are illuminated when exposed to pulsed beams of light within a given area.

Particle counters are the first line of defense for maintaining clean rooms. Hand held particle counters are a standard piece of equipment in many industries and office environment. Tridinamika is a leading supplier in Indonesia of particle counters. Some of the best brands in the world like Fluke, GE to name a few rely on Tridinamika’s distribution and technical skills.

Monday, March 28, 2016

How to Get More For Less Using Ultrasonic Flow

Did you know that a measuring device is directly responsible for increasing revenues of utility companies (who supply us water and gas) without the companies spending anything in terms of capex (capital expenditure)? The measuring equipment is called an ultrasonic flow meter. These measuring devices accurately measure the amount of flow of liquids or gas and thus directly affect the billing of consumers. Earlier the mechanical meters used by the utilities logged the data and the amount of liquids and gas the consumers used. Due to wear and tear the mechanical wheels would record erroneous data (generally on the lesser side). 

Ultrasonic flow meters have no moving parts. There is no question of performance degradation. The electronics in ultrasonic flow meter has two transducers that are housed in a protective housing. The housing is introduced into the pipe where the fluid or gas is flowing. Acoustic reflectors in the pipe direct the ultrasonic signal from one transducer to the other. The principle used here is called TOF (time of flight). The measurement is accurate and the time taken to travel is equated to the quantity of flow by measuring the average velocity along the path of the emitted beam of the ultrasonic pulses.

Modern buildings are now being outfitted with non-intrusive and easily installed clamp-on ultrasonic flow meters to measure hot water and chilled water usage. These are increasingly used in LEEDs (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) certified buildings which is one of the most popular green building certification programs used worldwide. Green building intelligence interface is the mantra adopted by estate developers.

Friday, March 18, 2016

Counting Air for Better Health

If you ask me I would really hesitate (unless and until I am very sick) to enter a hospital. I am assuming that I will get infected by being in the proximity of another person. WHO (World Health Organization) reports that people in the millions fall sick because they have come into contact with infection in a hospital. The reasons for this anomaly (you go to a hospital to become better and not fall sick) is Indoor air quality that carry airborne pathogens and bacteria.

An essential piece of air monitoring equipment is called the particle counter. This is now standard in almost all hospitals. By monitoring the amount of particles and analyzing other parameters like temperature of the room proper ventilation design can be installed so that airborne particles are directed towards filter like HEPA filters.

Types of Particle counters

The handheld particle counters is the most versatile and easy to use monitoring equipment. At the touch of a button and with touch screen capability it is ideal for monitoring air quality indoors and cleanroom testing. They can read cumulative and differential particle count numbers and also temperature and humidity data as well. Being portable and replaceable batteries the hand held particle counter is mandatory in hospital use.

Remote particle counters are used for continuous air quality monitoring at fixed points. They are widely used in pharmaceutical industries and areas where clean room environment is critical (electronic industries). Remote particle counters are robust in design and with increased range of specifications decontamination process can be easily achieved for a desired result.

The rising trend of mold concerns in schools is now posing health hazards that have caught the attention of administrators, parents and school authorities. Aerosol particle counters are being increasingly used to ward off potential contaminants. The principle here is prevention is less costly than the cure.

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Batteries are the Life Force

Batteries have become ubiquitous in our life. Without batteries our activities will (to use a term the youth is quite familiar with) "suck". Imagine being without Facebook. That is the end of the world. No tweets. That’s it. Call Elon Musk (SpaceX founder) and Jeff Bezos (Amazon and Blue Origin) to reserve a seat on the next flight to Mars (Moon could be a cheaper option). Seriously batteries are the life force of our consciousness. This is Zen battery speaks.

The best way to keep sanity around us is to keep the batteries functioning. Before you reach for replacement batteries you need to check the batteries. It makes sense to invest in battery tester digital technology irrespective of the type of battery.

What does the battery tester check? A differential amplifier in the circuit tests an active constant current by comparing the voltage across its path with a relatively constant reference voltage. This tech speak is not Greek or Latin. You can compare it being akin to taking the temperature of your body with a digital thermometer or to take a serious view is to do an electro cardio gram of your heart sorry of the batteries being tested. It does not matter whether you are testing small batteries (even less than 1V) or big batteries (12 V monsters). Just set the selector switch on the battery tester to the voltage rating of the battery and the result will be displayed. A quickly decreasing voltage will tell you that the end is near. It is important the battery tester is also tested by a calibrator to check its efficiency.

To understand the power of batteries Elon Musk (Tesla) is building the world's largest battery manufacturing factory in Nevada, America. The factory is called Gigafactory and will produce enough batteries to power half a million Tesla cars. Of course battery tester digital technology is automatically built in. 

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Steps to Make Batteries Work Efficiently

Power as energy is a finite resource. As far as South East Asia is concerned alternate energy sources like wind, solar, bio-gas power generation has not been a focus in governments that are coming out of recession. The case of Indonesia is a telling example; from a net exporter in the halcyon days of the 1970s Indonesia today is a big importer of fossil fuel to power its automobiles and industries. Homes and industries have resorted to battery power in the form of inverters and UPS systems to power their needs of lighting and charging devices.

Battery technology is witnessing innovation in the measurement and testing sphere. Battery tester digital technology is at the forefront for two reasons; one it is very affordable; and second the accuracy of measurement has prolonged battery life. Batteries are expensive and it is important that monitoring the status of the battery gives it a long life and justifies the expense. A good digital battery tester will also work as a calibrator so that optimum efficiency of a battery can be put to use. It is tweaking the battery by monitoring the state of health of the battery; the analogy is akin to the human body; timely monitoring and being aware keeps the human body functioning efficiently and for a long time.

All batteries have battery cycle; it is directly proportional to the charge-discharge cycles. This is a finite number. So is overcharging and undercharging. These factors are easy to monitor and keep the battery at its optimum working efficiency.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Spectrum Analyser Basics and Uses

A spectrum analyser is an instrument that shows signal amplitude or strength as it changes by signal frequency. The amplitude is displayed on the vertical axis while the frequency is displayed on the horizontal axis. It looks like an oscilloscope.

A typical application of a spectrum analyser is to determine whether a wireless transmitter is working according to specifications laid down for its use by the sanctioning authority. If the output signals differ from the recommended frequency they will appear as vertical lines on the display. Government regulators usually use a handheld spectrum analyser to quickly monitor a wireless transmitter. It can also be used to find out competing frequencies that are acting as interference to wireless networking equipment like Wi-Fi routers. The electromagnetic signals from the interfering transmitter can be found out by a technique called panoramic reception. Designing with Bluetooth or interference hunting is a task best suited for RF analysers. There are USB spectrum analysers and benchtop real time analysers in the market. Handheld analysers can detect in the frequency range of 10 kHz to 6.2GHz. Advanced analysers are used to detect android device microphone by frequency detection. 

The costs of spectrum analysers has dropped low enough that affordability is no more an issue. In normal use these analysers check the measurement of bandwidth of modulated signals and also the efficiency of filters and networks. In that sense the use of the analyser is a powerful tool for other measurements like RF network analyser, frequency counter and power meters.

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Monitoring Air Quality Indoors

The quality of air in an indoor environment is assuming greater importance considering the increased pollutants in the air; in South East Asia countries like Indonesia are constantly affected by wild fires and the debris in the air constitute a health hazard. Airborne particle counters help in determining the state of the air for health as well as environmental hygiene is concerned. Particle sizes from 0.1 to 100 micrometers can be detected.

Basically a particle counter is what it means; counts the number of particles; the methodologies used are by light scattering (for smaller sized particles); amount of light that is redirected by a particle when subjected to a light passing through it in a given area. The redirection is called light scattering. This technique is also utilized in monitoring ultrapure water in semiconductor fabrication. Light blocking method is another technique in measuring particles. This method is used to find contaminants in hydraulic fluid and results help in reducing downtime and costly breakdowns due to hydraulic system failures. The third technology in detecting particles is direct imaging; a cell is illuminated by laser where particles are passing the cell.

A typical particle counter use is maintaining a clean room; continuous monitoring by an array of sensors and connected to a remotely facility monitoring system with programmable logic controllers can immediately signal when the air quality of the given area crosses a predetermined threshold. Hand held particle counters are being increasingly used in monitoring indoor office and school environments that are stressed.

Monday, January 25, 2016

Thermometer Calibration Services by Tridinamika

Indonesia has depended on Tridinamika for the past 14 years in terms of its test and measuring equipment servicing needs, including thermometer calibration.

Thermometer Calibration, Significance and Standards

Thermometer calibration is a procedure that ensures accurate results provided by the temperature-measuring instrument. At the core of the process is a comparison between a thermometer’s actual temperature and national and international standards. The instrument is placed in a normally temperature-stable environment, and the standard reading is compared with the reading from the thermometer. The difference becomes the basis for the calibrator to make adjustments, so that both data are consistent with each other. To ensure optimum performance, thermometers and all other test and measurement equipment must be tested regularly (at least once a year). At Tridinamika, calibration is provided with proper documentation in line with the ISO 9000 and ISO 17205 calibration programs.

Relevance of Thermometer Calibration

Various industries rely on precise data. When the instrument used is not properly calibrated, it can give the wrong information, leading to the wrong actions taken. In a restaurant, for example, certain foods have to be cooked at certain temperatures. If the food thermometer’s readings are false, a chef could end up serving under cooked or overcooked dishes. Accurate readings are more critical in the medical care setting, where wrong data can compromise the health and even the lives of patients. In Indonesia, different companies and organizations in various industries rely on Tridinamika’s expertise in thermometer calibration. The company only employs skilled technical engineers and provides expert-controlled environments, not to mention state-of-the-art technologies to ensure quality calibration of thermometers and other test and measuring equipment. 

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Spectrum Analyser Types and Form Factors with Tridinamika

Tridinamika is Indonesia’s main supplier of spectrum analysers, boasting a whole range of brands from different regions of the globe. Spectrum analysers are instruments that determine the amount of input signal against frequency throughout the instruments’ entire frequency range. Their main purpose is to determine how much power known and unknown signals of the spectrum have a useful aspect in the characterization of electronic devices.  

Types of Spectrum Analysers

Spectrum analysers can be classified as a certain type by considering the methods that are used for getting a signal’s spectrum. Basically, there are two types of spectrum analysers – swept-tuned and FFT-based. A swept-tuned spectrum analyser makes use of a superheterodyne receiver for down-converting a certain part of the input signal spectrum (this can be done with a mixer and a voltage-limited oscillator) into a band-pass filter’s center frequency. On the other hand, an FFT spectrum analyser calculates the Discrete Fourier Transform, otherwise known simply as DFT, a mathematical process which converts the input signal’s waveform into its frequency spectrum’s components.

Spectrum Analyser Form Factors

There are four form factors spectrum analysers may fall under, namely networked, handheld, benchtop, and portable. Networked spectrum analyzers don’t come with a display, but they are capable of linking the analyser to a network and keep track of various devices simultaneously. Handheld versions are obviously suitable for scenarios where the tool needs to be small, light and compact. Benchtops come in handy for applications in which the device must be plugged into an electric socket (such as in production areas or laboratories). Finally, portable spectrum analysers are those that must be used outdoors or must simply be carried around during use. Discover Tridinamika spectrum analysers today. 

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Different Types of Particle Counters from Tridinamika

Tridinamika, Indonesia’s leading dealer of test and measurement equipment, offers a whole range of particle counters for various applications. These instruments mainly detect as well as count particles in different tested substances.

How Do Particle Counters Work?

Particle counting is possible through any of three routes – scattering of light, obscuration of light and direct imaging. Particles are illuminated by high-intensity light, normally halogen light or a laser, as they pass through a detection vessel. When light is redirected, it is captured by a photo detector. In direct imaging, illumination is provided by halogen light while a high magnification camera captures images of the traversing particles. Computer software is then used to analyze the data. In obscuration or light blocking, loss of light will be detected. The device will measure how much light is scattered and blocked, and the particles are counted.

Types of Particle Counters

There are three types of particle counters – aerosol, liquid, and solid. Aerosol particle counters assess the quality of air by analyzing suspended particles. The purpose is usually to know how many particles are present in a building or in ambient air, or to obtain a precise evaluation of a controlled environment’s level of cleanliness.  Liquid particle counters determine the quality of fluids, like cleaning solutions and drinking water, or the cleanliness of sensitive items such as injectable drugs. Solid particle counters determine the amount of dry particles for various industrial applications, such as assessing the size of rocks that have been put under a crusher in a mining quarry environment. Explore these particle counters and more at Tridinamika.