Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Spectrum Analyser Types and Form Factors with Tridinamika

Tridinamika is Indonesia’s main supplier of spectrum analysers, boasting a whole range of brands from different regions of the globe. Spectrum analysers are instruments that determine the amount of input signal against frequency throughout the instruments’ entire frequency range. Their main purpose is to determine how much power known and unknown signals of the spectrum have a useful aspect in the characterization of electronic devices.  

Types of Spectrum Analysers

Spectrum analysers can be classified as a certain type by considering the methods that are used for getting a signal’s spectrum. Basically, there are two types of spectrum analysers – swept-tuned and FFT-based. A swept-tuned spectrum analyser makes use of a superheterodyne receiver for down-converting a certain part of the input signal spectrum (this can be done with a mixer and a voltage-limited oscillator) into a band-pass filter’s center frequency. On the other hand, an FFT spectrum analyser calculates the Discrete Fourier Transform, otherwise known simply as DFT, a mathematical process which converts the input signal’s waveform into its frequency spectrum’s components.

Spectrum Analyser Form Factors

There are four form factors spectrum analysers may fall under, namely networked, handheld, benchtop, and portable. Networked spectrum analyzers don’t come with a display, but they are capable of linking the analyser to a network and keep track of various devices simultaneously. Handheld versions are obviously suitable for scenarios where the tool needs to be small, light and compact. Benchtops come in handy for applications in which the device must be plugged into an electric socket (such as in production areas or laboratories). Finally, portable spectrum analysers are those that must be used outdoors or must simply be carried around during use. Discover Tridinamika spectrum analysers today.