Ultrasonic flow meters are the most essential tool in the arsenal of utility companies supplying gas and water. The reasons are obvious. Harnessing the properties of Christian Doppler (1803-1853, Austrian physicist and mathematician, inventor of Doppler Effect) as one of the principles in measuring exact flow of resources to consumers and billing them so that there is no loss of revenue is a matter of technical magic. Earlier mechanical meters were employed in measuring flow. Because of moving parts these mechanical devices were subject to wear and tear and over time either showed erroneous measurements leading to calibration of the meters on a regular basis. This led to costly downtime.
Ultrasonic flow meters have zero moving parts. The use of electronics (transducers to be precise) has negated this aspect of maintenance. While housed in protective casings the transducers are lowered in the materials like gas and liquids and measurements taken that are accurate. Doppler principle of time of flight is the standard adopted.
The use of handheld clamp-on flow meters has revolutionized measurement of hot water and cold water usage in building applications. LEEDS (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) certification is now mandatory for green buildings and ultrasonic flow meters are standard equipment.
Tridinamika in Indonesia is a highly rated and trusted supplier of some of the best brands in the world. Apart from a well-organized distribution platform Tridinamika has established a technical team to offer best-in-class support. Since 2002 Tridinamika has been actively engaging the industry in providing world class test and measurement products in Indonesia.