Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Batteries are the Life Force

Batteries have become ubiquitous in our life. Without batteries our activities will (to use a term the youth is quite familiar with) "suck". Imagine being without Facebook. That is the end of the world. No tweets. That’s it. Call Elon Musk (SpaceX founder) and Jeff Bezos (Amazon and Blue Origin) to reserve a seat on the next flight to Mars (Moon could be a cheaper option). Seriously batteries are the life force of our consciousness. This is Zen battery speaks.

The best way to keep sanity around us is to keep the batteries functioning. Before you reach for replacement batteries you need to check the batteries. It makes sense to invest in battery tester digital technology irrespective of the type of battery.

What does the battery tester check? A differential amplifier in the circuit tests an active constant current by comparing the voltage across its path with a relatively constant reference voltage. This tech speak is not Greek or Latin. You can compare it being akin to taking the temperature of your body with a digital thermometer or to take a serious view is to do an electro cardio gram of your heart sorry of the batteries being tested. It does not matter whether you are testing small batteries (even less than 1V) or big batteries (12 V monsters). Just set the selector switch on the battery tester to the voltage rating of the battery and the result will be displayed. A quickly decreasing voltage will tell you that the end is near. It is important the battery tester is also tested by a calibrator to check its efficiency.

To understand the power of batteries Elon Musk (Tesla) is building the world's largest battery manufacturing factory in Nevada, America. The factory is called Gigafactory and will produce enough batteries to power half a million Tesla cars. Of course battery tester digital technology is automatically built in.