Monday, December 21, 2015

Multifunction Calibrator

Calibrators are great scientific tools that can be used to calibrate an amazing range of parameters. They can measure and calibrate signals ranging from temperature, electrical frequency, pressure and so on. A multifunction calibrator is usually a hand held device and is very compact. 

Usually these devices come with simple to operate buttons and knobs, and menus that are easy to understand and use. Some of the leading manufacturers of quality calibrators such as Fluke, Agilent, Tektronix, Comsys, Cometech and Kanomax are available with Tridinamika, among the leading suppliers of measuring and testing instruments in Indonesia.

If the calibrator is intended for field use, you need to check if the device of your choice will be suitable for continued hand held use, provided the range of calibration parameters and features you are looking for are limited. Else, you might need to opt for bench calibrators that have much more features, but may not be suitable for outdoor or hand held use. Based on the end application, you will have a variety of choices. 

Without a multifunction calibrator, most of the current generation of high tech devices will not work optimally. With Indonesia being among the leading base for high technology manufacturing in Asia, you will find that multifunction calibrators are in high demand across the country. With dealers such as Tridinamika capable of supplying these devices in most of the cities within the country, the manufacturing industry in Indonesia has been thriving. Indonesian products are now in great demand across the globe.