Friday, June 28, 2013

Choosing a Battery Tester: Digital or Load

Battery tester: digital or load? This is often the question foremost in the minds of vehicle repair shops. To begin with, both types serve the same purpose which is to quantify the battery’s capacity to deliver its rated output of amp. What happens is the user will enter the battery’s capacity which will depend on the label, after a few moments the tester will spit out the result whether the battery has passed or failed. This is the same principle with the insulation tester which measures resistance in the current flow.

Digital or load?

Digital test equipment is the more modern version, which means it is more flexible in terms of the data results compared to the older model. Some brands are even able to measure the temperature and integrate the data along with all the others. Digital are also faster which can be a huge factor when the customers are plenty in the vehicle repair shop. 

One disadvantage, however, is that it’s not as reliable when measuring low registers in the battery’s static voltage. The gadget will always prompt the user to retest the battery or recharge the device. This is where the load battery tester reigns supreme. It may be older but it can be more consistent with low static voltages. You can buy both batteries from any gauge store.

There is no question the digital testers are more convenient, portable and faster, but traditional load testers are still popular and give consistent testing results.

Speed. Accuracy. Reliability.