Tuesday, April 22, 2014

How to keep the air clean using particle counters

In the modern world, all the high capacity equipment that are being used for various purposes need devices that of very high quality to check if they are functioning in the right way or not. For example, digital battery testers help to find out whether the items are in proper working condition or not. These are made from materials that are of very high quality. This adds to the attractiveness of the object and also ensures that it works efficiently for the whole of its life. The main aim of the companies that make such products is to make sure that they offer the best service to their customers.

Keeping a track :

If you are worried about the environment inside a factory that is involved in electrical and electronics, pharmaceutical, food industry, etc., you can get a particle counter installed. These types of devices are very helpful in getting the accurate density of substances in the atmosphere. You can check the quality of the air inside the space and also conduct filter tests and aerosol research. They also have the function of purifying air. They help to maintain and regulate the ventilation aspects of the building. The receptors are very sensitive and even pick up dust and not just cigarette smoke.

Comparative study :

One of the devices that is extensively used today to compare the results of an input against the full capacity or range of the equipment you are using, is the spectrum analyse. Even though the primary signals that are detected are electrical in nature, they can be re-calibrated and made to sense even acoustic and optical waves by using the right kind of transducers. They can be effectively used in the field of education as well as research. They are also very useful in RF, electronic, and electrical methodology.